[ Ubuntu-cm ] Teaching opportunies/Experienced Lecturers

PATRICK KOUOBOU patrickouobou at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 16:23:57 UTC 2014

*CIS* <http://www.cisformation.com> (Cameroon Institute of Sciences), a
bilingual professional trainning center recognized by the MINEFOP, is
looking for trained anglo-saxon lecturers who have good working experience
learning in Douala in the following domains :

- System and Network administration
- Computer and Network maintenance
- web & software developpement

Priority is put on praticable professionnals with a fiable working
Those interested should send their CV + motivation letter with references
at CIS headoffice at Ange Raphael opposite collège André Malraux or to the
email address patrickouobou at gmail.com before the 15/12/2014.

*Patrick KOUOBOU*
*Responsable Informatique - CIS*
Junior Network and Support Engineer
GDG Douala Patner Member
Microsoft Developper Community Member
Ubuntu Camerounian Loco Team
*www.cisformation.com <http://www.cisformation.com>*

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