[ Ubuntu-cm ] Fwd: [AFRINIC-announce] FIRE Programme: Grant applications period Extended

Nacer Adamou Saidou adamou.nacer at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 06:20:22 UTC 2013

Pour information,

Début du message réexpédié :

> De : Babusha Radhakissoon <babusha at afrinic.net>
> Objet : [AFRINIC-announce] FIRE Programme: Grant applications period Extended
> Date : 1 octobre 2013 09:01:23 UTC+03:00
> À : announce at afrinic.net
> AFRINIC's Fund for Internet Research and Education – FIRE Programme: APPLY FOR A GRANT
> The African Network Information Center – AFRINIC has opened its call for entries for the 2013-2014 FIRE Grants.
> The Fund for Internet Research and Education (FIRE) aims at encouraging ICT development innovations that contribute to sustainable development in Africa.
> The FIRE Programme gives grants of up to USD 10 000 to projects that will be implemented in the Africa region within a 6 to 12 month period.
> The FIRE Programme invites African organisations, entrepreneurs and innovators to propose projects under one of three categories which include:
> 1) Innovation on Access provision: fostering ICT growth in Africa by ensuring that the delivery mechanism is available, reliable and scalable;
> 2) E-development: the development, deployment and enhancement of content, applications and solutions.
> 3) Freedom of Expression: initiatives related to freedom of expression, freedom of association, privacy, security, consumer's rights, new forms of intellectual property in the digital environment, and a wider range of issues related to Internet and human rights.
> The registration deadline for the 2013-2014 Grants has been extended to 30 October 2013.
> For detailed information about competition categories, conditions of entry and submission procedures, please visit www.fireafrica.org or send us an email on: fireprogram at afrinic.net.
> -- 
> __________________________
> Babusha Radhakissoon
> Social Media/Online Engagement Officer, AFRINIC Ltd.
> t:  +230 403 5100 | f: +230 466 6758 | tt: @afrinic | w: www.afrinic.net
> facebook.com/afrinic | flickr.com/afrinic | youtube.com/afrinicmedia
> ___________________________
> Join us at AFRINIC-19 in Abidjan, Cote  d'Ivoire, 23-29 November 2013
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> announce at afrinic.net
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