[ Ubuntu-cm ] Fwd: Webinar tomorrow - The State of the Open Source Cloud with Dell OpenStack, Apache CloudStack, Eucalyptus and Zenoss

Adamou Nacer adamou.nacer at gmail.com
Tue Oct 23 18:52:47 UTC 2012

Pour information!

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: 	Webinar tomorrow - The State of the Open Source Cloud with Dell 
OpenStack, Apache CloudStack, Eucalyptus and Zenoss
Date : 	Tue, 23 Oct 2012 12:01:53 -0400
De : 	Leigh Anne Reynolds <lreynolds at zenoss.com>
Pour : 	adamou.nacer at gmail.com

Untitled document

Hi Nacer,

You're invited to join us tomorrow for a new Zenoss webinar, "Zenoss 
Investigates: The State of the Open Source Cloud 
This 1-hour round table discussion will have*representatives from 
OpenStack, CloudStack and Eucalyptus* talking about the state of the 
open source cloud and what it means to your business and the broader 
cloud computing market. We’ll be discussing:

  * Barriers to open cloud adoption
  * Reasons to consider an open cloud
  * Benefits and risks of an open cloud
  * And much much more…

The panel includes:

  * Rob Hirschfeld, OpenStack Board Member and Principal Cloud Architect
    at Dell
  * Mark Hinkle, Senior Director, Cloud Computing Community at Citrix
  * Greg DeKoenigsberg, Vice President Community at Eucalyptus
  * Floyd Strimling, Vice President Community, Technical Evangelist at

There is no doubt that open source clouds are on the minds of both open 
source communities/projects and commercial entities. Zenoss has released 
our 2012 State of the Open Cloud Report 
based on a survey reaching out to over 100,000 Zenoss Core community 
members seeking answers to the mystery of the open source cloud. Our 
results were mixed, with an overwhelming minority of the respondents 
currently using an open source cloud but a majority thinking about it. 
Meanwhile, OpenStack enjoys an early lead of adoption and mindshare with 
CloudStack and Eucalyptus definitely in the hunt.

*Event Details**
Date:* Wednesday, October 24th
*Time:* 2:00 pm EDT/ 11:00 am PDT/ 6:00 pm GMT
*Duration:* 1 hour

Register now 
<http://www3.zenoss.com/e/3432/l-3432-2012-10-09-2nmfql/2r95cf/523679612> to 
attend /Zenoss Investigates: The State of the Open Source Cloud./*////*

If you cannot attend the live event, registering will also ensure you 
are sent a link to the on-demand recording of the event.

Best Regards,

Leigh Anne

Leigh Anne Reynolds

*   Leigh Anne Reynolds* | Sr. Marketing Manager
   Zenoss, Inc. | Transforming IT Operations
lreynolds at zenoss.com <mailto:lreynolds at zenoss.com> | www.zenoss.com 

Zenoss Inc. | 6300 Bridgepoint Parkway, Building 3, Suite 200 | Austin, 
TX 78730

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