[ Ubuntu-cm ] solar energy demonstration saturday 5. june 2010
lug limbe
lug.limbe at gmail.com
Sat Jun 5 19:54:08 BST 2010
we will be in yaounde the 22-23. june, may be with a bus with solar on the
roof. may be we could meet us.
the meeting was good, it just finish now, soon we will make a report on our
On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 11:12 AM, christian matoukou <christmat at gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm very interested by your project. Many times i have tried to do that
> but sometimes i filled discouraged.
> In fact i belong to Ubuntu-cm and i study physics at the university of
> Yaounde I. I wish i could be there to see how you did it. I have started to
> make a solar cooking for the same reasons, not of Sonel but the dosmestic
> gas. I we can see, sun is free and these last days it's has the full of his
> power. why not take that advantage we have to make it.
> I wish you to succeed today with your topic but next time, i want to work
> with you in the same project.
> Thank you very Much.
> have a nice day
> 2010/6/2 michel <kamerun at immerda.ch>
>> hello,
>> Every one know how difficult it is here with the electrical power,
>> especially in the rainy seasons. it could go another way, we will
>> demonstrate, how a computer without light from Sonel, can work with solar
>> panel and batteries.
>> *Saturday, the 5. June 2010, at 4 pm*
>> The "Association of Linux Friends" will not only bring computer literacy
>> to all people, they will also not only show that the open-source can be an
>> alternative, even better, than Microsoft, neither will they only show that
>> the computer can make much more than to write an e-mail or make a chat, as
>> we have done with the map of Limbe. We want to show, that the energy problem
>> can be solved in other to support the short-cut of sonel (the current is not
>> constant, only the bill). After a brief presentation of the students of
>> Linux friends and their activities, we will show how a computer can work
>> without electricity from (sonel). we will show, a solar panel, how it
>> functions, advantages and disadvantages, followed by a demonstration, we
>> will present a computer working without current from the electricity network
>> (sonel), but which works with solar panel and batteries.
>> come visit us, take your friends with you, it could be, not only
>> interesting, but a pleasure too.
>> Association Linux Friends
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> --
> Christian
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