[ Ubuntu-cm ] solar demonstration limbe

lug limbe lug.limbe at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 19:04:54 BST 2010


Every one know how difficult it is here with the electrical power,
especially in the rainy seasons. it could go another way, we will
demonstrate, how a computer without light from Sonel, can work with solar
panel and batteries.

*Saturday, the 5. June 2010, at  4 pm*

The "Association of Linux Friends" will not only bring computer literacy to
all people, they will also not only show that the open-source can be an
alternative, even better, than Microsoft, neither will they only show that
the computer can make much more than to write an e-mail or make a chat, as
we have done with the map of Limbe. We want to show, that the energy problem
can be solved in other to support the short-cut of sonel (the current is not
constant, only the bill). After a brief presentation of the students of
Linux friends and their activities, we will show how a computer can work
without electricity from  (sonel). we will show,  a solar panel, how it
functions, advantages and disadvantages, followed by a demonstration, we
will present a computer working without current from the electricity network
(sonel), but which works  with solar panel and batteries.

come visit us, take your friends with you, it could be, not only
interesting, but a pleasure too.

Association Linux Friends
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