[ Ubuntu-cm ] Les classroom de la locoteam
Willy Ted Manga
mangawilly at gmail.com
Fri Apr 9 21:31:36 BST 2010
Hi all,
in the LocoTeam we'll try to enhance knowledge and skill of all the
members. That's why a project called "classroom" [1] has been set.
We are still in the early stage of its conception; you can improve the
wiki page and take the lead of a class.
As of April 9th 2010, the first class will be held on #ubuntu-cm april
16th 2010 at 18 GMT . Subject: "Apprendre à se servir de l'IRC" ...
Every folks here are urged to attend this session.
1. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CameroonianTeam/Projects/Classroom
Willy Manga
freenode: ongolaBoy
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