[ Ubuntu-cm ] karmic release party limbe

joben bison jobenbissong at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 07:09:36 GMT 2009

Thanks a milion for the pictures Chanceline and for the support and welcome
you gave to us.

Again, thanks.

Extend my appreciation and greetings to Michel!


2009/12/1 <oxygeneh02 at gmail.com>

> bonsoir chanceline c est samuel juste pour te dire que je l ai trouve cool picture et profiter a te dire je serai bientot a limbé. bon passe une bonne nuit.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chanceline MOKOM <n_chanceline at yahoo.com>
> Sent: 2009-12-01 04:18:52 GMT+08:00
> To: Ubuntu-cm at lists.ubuntu.com
> Cc: lug.limbe at gmail.ccom
> Subject: [ Ubuntu-cm ] karmic release party limbe
> hello all
>  just some few pictures from Limbe for the Release party
> chanceline
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sent by Morange V from my phone. Click here<http://morange.com/phone/i.aspx>to download.
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