[ubuntu-cloud] Ubuntu HWE kernels on AWS?

Peter Wolanin peter.wolanin at acquia.com
Tue Jun 16 14:42:13 UTC 2015

Ubuntu offers package for 12.04 like linux-image-3.13.0-55-generic
3.13.0-55.92~precise1 that upgrade the kernel version.

However, this wiki page says these kernels should not be used for Cloud

I also note that there is no -virtual version of the kernel upgrade package.

Is that note overly cautious, or are there real risks in trying to switch
to the upgraded kernel?  We are motivated by fixes for xfs problems we are
seeing when using the default 12.04 kernel on AWS.



Peter M. Wolanin, Ph.D.      : Momentum Specialist,  Acquia. Inc.
peter.wolanin at acquia.com : 609-235-6869
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