[ubuntu-cloud] Update on Ubuntu automated testing and CI of Openstack

Duncan McGreggor duncan at dreamhost.com
Mon Feb 27 17:22:35 UTC 2012

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 6:57 PM, Adam Gandelman <adamg at canonical.com> wrote:
> As promised for anyone who was interested when we announced to the last last
> week, here is a blog post James Page and I put together describing our
> Openstack testing efforts and infrastructure in greater detail:
> http://javacruft.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/automating-openstack-testing-on-ubuntu/

Adam, thanks for this great write up :-)

Part of my morning ritual involves hitting these pages every day when I get up:
 * https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20OpenStack%20Testing/
 * https://launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-testing/+archive/openstack-trunk-testing

It's been an invaluable source for not only information, but also
planning for the cloud work here at DreamHost.

To the point of this email, though, I have a question for you that I
wasn't able to parse an explicit answer to from your post: For the
packages that are built in the PPA linked above, are they only built
after all the components of OpenStack have been confirmed working as a
whole? Or are they built just after individual testing?

My question comes from this concern: if we're building out a product
based on this PPA, (before Precise is delivered) we want to make sure
that when we bring up new systems by installing the packages from the
PPA, all of those work together properly. If the latest code from
keystone, for example, hasn't been building due to testing errors, we
want to make sure that the presence of the older keystone package in
the PPA won't be causing issues with the newer builds of the rest of

To clarify: in your blog post, you explicitly mention the validation
process per component, starting with the upstream git repos. In the
deploy phase, you verify that the system as a whole (all of OpenStack)
works as expected. But what happens when one or more of those
components don't work? Are packages rolled back in the PPA until the
PPA only provides packages that will result in, once installed, a
complete working system?

So there's that practical side of it, but to be honest, it's also
simply an interesting question :-) I find the logistics of automated
testing a great source of interest and fascination...

Keep up the great work, guys -- you have fans out here in the wild,
wild world of OpenStack :-)


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