[ubuntu-cloud] Ubuntu Cloud Days today, 16:00-UTC #ubuntu-classroom

Ahmed Kamal kim0 at ubuntu.com
Mon Jul 25 14:00:18 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

Ubuntu is running Ubuntu Cloud Days (UCD) event *today* starting 
16:00-UTC. This is a great way to learn about new development happening 
in the server and cloud space for Ubuntu, as well as to ask questions, 
connect to developers and make some more friends.

Technologies that will be touched upon include: Ensemble, Orchestra, 
Cloud-init, Eucalyptus, OpenStack and others

Here is the schedule for today

*16.00 UTC*Getting started with Ensemble -- kim0

*17.00 UTC*Introduction to Cloudinit -- koolhead17

*18.00 UTC*Orchestra and Ensemble (part1) -- smoser

*19.00 UTC*Orchestra and Ensemble (part2) -- RoakSoax

*20.00 UTC*Eucalyptus 3: cloud HA and ID management -- nurmi

You can find more information on how to connect as well as tomorrow's 
schedule at

Enjoy, regards
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