[ubuntu-cloud] Call for Cloudeers, Ubuntu Cloud Days

Ahmed Kamal kim0 at ubuntu.com
Mon Jul 4 15:25:09 UTC 2011

Hello everybody,

We're currently planning Ubuntu Cloud Days 
which will happen from *25th-26th July* (we can expand to handle more 

If you use Ubuntu on the cloud or as the cloud and you think you can 
share your experiences with us, I'd love to have you present a session 
at UCD. Please either go and add your session directly to the schedule 
or talk to me about it. Here is the schedule

It's totally ok if you want to present a topic as a team or do a 
hands-on session with a couple of examples.

I appreciate any kind of contribution to UCD, it will be great to show 
the great progress Ubuntu is making in the cloud!

I'm looking forward to this UCD. Thanks for your interest.

Have a great day,
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