[ubuntu-cloud] windows bundling on UEC

Scott Moser smoser at ubuntu.com
Mon Jan 3 19:04:59 UTC 2011

On Sat, 1 Jan 2011, Indra Suryatama wrote:

> Today, I've found on internet that windows bundling or linux desktop
> bundling on UEC could not run well on UEC Ubuntu 10.04

The internet is a large place... Links would be helpful.

Ubuntu (and other) desktop images should work fine.  You'll just need a
mechanism to view the desktop.  One solution is NX.  Another is VNC.  The
thing you won't get access to is the kvm provided VNC console.  That isn't
necessarily needed though.

For windows, you are correct, there is no official support for Windows
guests in UEC 10.04.

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