[ubuntu-cloud] Can "Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud" be installed and tested in Oracle Virtual Box?

Stephen Liu satimis at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 22 11:39:44 BST 2010

Hi Indra,

Seemingly I have no problem installing Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud Cluster on VM and 
made it to work.  I'm now installing a node on VM to test it.  I'll keep the 
List posted if there is any further development.

Stephen L

From: Indra Suryatama <indra_suryatama at hotmail.com>
To: darren at ontrenet.com; satimis at yahoo.com
Cc: ubuntu-cloud at lists.ubuntu.com
Sent: Fri, October 22, 2010 6:32:54 PM
Subject: RE: [ubuntu-cloud] Can "Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud" be installed and 
tested in Oracle Virtual Box?


i have tried to install ubuntu Enterpirse  cloud on virtual box too,
it seem many problem will be faced than if we implement the ubuntu enterprise 
cloud in real world..
My private cloud is still on progress, but i dont face the trouble i had when 
trying to simulate the UEC on virtual box
hope this experienced useful for you

Best Regards

Indra Suryatama
+62 85 7428 65348

From: darren at ontrenet.com
To: satimis at yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 06:09:04 -0400
CC: ubuntu-cloud at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-cloud] Can "Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud" be installed and 
tested in Oracle Virtual Box?

I'd like to know as well. I've tried, but not succeeded yet to get it to work 
Even though VB supports PV CPU mode, I think maybe it has some issues preventing 
this to work, but its just a hunch.

On Thu, 2010-10-21 at 19:51 -0700, Stephen Liu wrote: 
Hi folks,
>PC configuration
>CPU - AMD Phenon X4
>RAM - 8G
>HD - WD 1T Black Series 64M buffer
>Virtual machine
>host - Ubuntu 1010 desktop 64-bit
>VBox - version 3.2.10 r66523
>Can I install "Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud" on Oracle Virtual Box as VMs (front end 

>and node) and test them there ?
>Stephen L

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