[ubuntu-cloud] How are Ubuntu images built?

Spike Spiegel fsmlab at gmail.com
Thu Nov 18 23:39:11 GMT 2010


On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 6:39 PM, Eric Hammond <ehammond at thinksome.com> wrote:
> I think you mean to ask about how the "Ubuntu" AMIs are built. The  Ubuntu AMIs I published under the Alestic name are mostly old and not strongly recommended any more.

ah, thanks for pointing that out, I am indeed after the "Ubuntu" AMIs
built with whatever the modern approach is, which I can't still quite
put my finger on unfortunately. Is there any chance you could point me
to some documentation or pass me some details about that process? As
it is neither vmbuilder nor a manual deboostrap + fixups that used to
work on older versions seem to produce an usable Lucid image.

thank you very much for your help,


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