[ubuntu-cloud] Network

Ahmed Kamal ahmed.kamal at canonical.com
Thu Nov 18 10:43:42 GMT 2010

On 11/16/2010 11:34 PM, Björn Böttcher wrote:
> Hi folks!
> I am trying to setup an UEC cloud in my university with the following 
> machines
>     * 1 CLC
>     * 1 WS3
>     * 1 CC + EBS
>     * 1 NC
> So far everything is up and running. The only problem is that the VMs 
> did not get a public IP or rather I could not reach them. Maybe I have 
> misunderstood the correct network setup in the eucalyptus.conf files. 
> May anyone please give me a little example configuration of the files 
> on each machine?
> Thanks in advance
> Bjoern
Hey there,
- Does your CLC have 2 interfaces, one on the cloud-private network, and 
one on your public network
- Did you allocate some public IPs from your public network, to your VMs 
during setup
- Is your VM reachable/pingable on the private cloud network at least
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