[ubuntu-cloud] Hardware recommendations for UEC

Ahmed Kamal ahmed.kamal at canonical.com
Thu Nov 11 10:03:46 GMT 2010

On 11/11/2010 11:42 AM, Ziv Leyes wrote:
> Hi all,
> We're interested to start using UEC on our company.
> My only limitation is my company works with a hardware provider that 
> supplies only IBM servers, so I need some specific recommendations 
> about what could be a good pair of servers to start installing an 
> Ubuntu cloud.
> We're using a few of the last models such as x3250 or x3550 all based 
> on Xeon CPUs and such, but they all have different variations on the 
> hardware list.
> I want to know what would be the recommended specs for such a server, 
> I was thinking on having one of them with bigger storage for the 
> Walrus, perhaps you would recommend to get a third server only for 
> storage?
> In general, what could be a nice setup of a couple of IBM servers if 
> you can be more specific?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ziv
Hey Ziv

You can find basic hardware requirements at 
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall#STEP 1: Prerequisites 
If you're doing a small setup (2 or 3 physical boxes), it's probably 
easiest to just install (CLC, CC, Walrus, SC) on a single front end 
node. Check the node controllers CPU supports VT (being recent Xeons 
they probably do)


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