[ubuntu-cloud] /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg user configuration

Abel Ureta-Vidal abel at eaglegenomics.com
Tue Jul 13 13:50:58 BST 2010

On 13 Jul 2010, at 13:44, Scott Moser wrote:

> On Sat, 10 Jul 2010, Abel Ureta-Vidal wrote:
>> Indeed nice tool! In our case, at the moment we stick with the  
>> public keys
>> generated by EC2, on which we apply regular create/destroy rotations.
>>> I'm glad you found cloud-init / cloud.cfg to be useful.  Please  
>>> let me
>>> know any things you think could work better so we can improve it.
>> Sure. Is cloud-init/cloud.cfg ubuntu-specific or has it been taken  
>> up by other
>> distribs?
> Ubuntu specific for now.  If you're interested in working on getting  
> it
> functional elsewhere, let me know.  I wouldn't think there is a  
> terribly
> large amount of ubuntu specific-ness in it, but will admit to that not
> being a primary goal.

I understand. I'm not planning to getting it functional elsewehere.  
I'm quite happy
with the Ubuntu system as it is. Just wanted to know how much  
dependancy I'll enter
by using this system.

Thanks for your help. Greatly appreciated.

Abel Ureta-Vidal, PhD MBA
Managing Director, Eagle Genomics Ltd
M: +44 7792 318503 | E: abel at eaglegenomics.com

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