[ubuntu-cloud] OpenSTack @ Ubuntu Cloud

Soren Hansen soren at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 25 21:25:03 BST 2010

On 25-08-2010 20:54, Paul Graydon wrote:
> It's still very, very early for the project.  OpenStack hasn't reached
> initial release yet, that's currently scheduled for October 21st which
> is barely a month before Maverick is due.

Maverick is due October 10th.

> It might be stable enough for Natty, assuming the release schedule
> doesn't slip, and all the components actually make an appearance (Object
> Storage was released barely a month ago, Compute isn't expected to show
> its face for at the very least another month)

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Nova (the compute component) is
available now, it just hasn't had an actual release. It's all on
Launchpad and has been since before the project was even announced.

For reference:

The release dates you refer to are mostly for Nova. Swift is production
ready now, but we'll probably roll a release of both on the same date
when we get there.

Soren Hansen
Ubuntu Developer

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