Greetings:<br><br>With the second Ubuntu User Day being less than a week away, and in going over our final checklist, it has come to our attention it would be a better event, both in attendance and in the choice of session if we were to postpone this event.<br>
<br>While we understand that you may have scheduled time on the June 5th, 2010, to facilitate a session or participate by attending we want the experience of both session leaders and participants to be the best possible.<br>
<br>Keeping in mind we want to present the best possible learning opportunity, we have made the decision to postpone this event until July 10, 2010. <br><br>It is our, the User Days Planners, sincere hope that this will not be an inconvenience to you or any helpers with your session. <br>
<br>Thank you so much for you understanding! We are looking forward to another great second Ubuntu User Day (but a few weeks later and with more planning, promotion, participants, and more awesome session leaders like yourselves).<br>
<font color="#888888"><br>Chris Johnston - cjohnston<br>
Ubuntu Member<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><a href="" target="_blank"></a></font><br>