[Ubuntu-Classroom] lernid bugs

Leandro Gómez leogg at ubuntu.com
Tue Jun 21 17:55:16 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 11:15 AM, John S Gruber <johnsgruber at gmail.com>wrote:

> For those who don't know me, I'm John Gruber, a new member of the
> Lernid team, and I have been working the last several months on fixing
> bugs in Lernid.
> Though students using Lernid should be a Lernid maintainer's first
> concern, those organizing and supporting classes must be a very close
> second--there's no reason to use Lernid without interesting classes.
> Therefore I'm writing to tell you about recent progress, my plans, and
> to ask a favor.
> I started with the Ubuntu downstream when I saw that Lernid wouldn't
> start for me (or others) in Natty while it was under development.
> There were two bugs to be addressed, LP: #716937 and LP: #727232. As I
> used Lernid for an all day set of sessions it hung 15 minutes before
> the last session ended after being in use all day. By stress-testing I
> tracked that problem down to LP: #749848 and suspect that the
> classroom teams may have had to deal with it before. Lernid would just
> hang there, unresponsive, after displaying almost any web page
> containing flash content. I think a member of the #ubuntu-classroom
> team mentioned these symptoms.
> More recently we finally released fixes that others had prepared last
> summer, and a few lower profile patches as well. Two weeks ago a
> two-hour long testing session was held in #ubuntu-classroom.
> Currently I am looking at improving Lernid when it faces network
> problems (mostly at start-up), and I also hope to have addressed each
> of the critical and high priority bugs on the list with the possible
> exception of LP: #793788 (slides). While we won't be able to speed up
> the connection process (LP: #604773) we can try to set reasonable
> expectations.
> I plan to release a new version by the end of this month and get it
> synced to Oneiric. I'd also like to issue another in August addressing
> LP: #793788, LP: 533279, and whatever usability issues seem opportune
> and appropriate.
> As a favor, could I ask that the classroom teams take a look at the
> ubuntu bug list in the next couple of days and let me know if there
> are bugs which importance I have underestimated, or left as new or
> unconfirmed? Are there any essential bugs missing from the list? My
> hope is that with next week's release lernid will be fit for use in
> Ubuntu's classrooms so please let me know, in particular, which bugs
> should be considered blockers.
> Leandro, I wasn't sure how many of your teammates speak English, and
> I'm afraid I don't speak any Spanish, so I'm hoping that you can reach
> out to your team for me. I'd also like to draw your attention to LP:
> #533279 and its related blueprint at
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/lernid/+spec/lernid-config-file-improvements
> . I'd like your team's feedback (and, I hope, approval) for these
> plans.
Sure! Just let me translate your mail and see how we can help.


> I'd like any of you to feel free to write me with any other concerns
> you may have that you think I may be able to address, now and in the
> future.
> Thanks.
> John
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