[Ubuntu-Classroom] New lernid version (0.8.1)

John S Gruber johnsgruber at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 19:02:10 UTC 2011

I've been working for the last several months on fixing bugs in
Lernid, and I just uploaded a new version to the lernid-dev's team PPA
at https://launchpad.net/~lernid-devs/+archive/lernid-releases . It's
available for testing from Natty, Maverick, and for adventurous souls
already testing Oneiric.

The new release contains both my recent work and the sound, hard work
of others on the lernid-devs team (such as Jorge, Michael, and Nathan)
since last summer (mostly late summer and the fall).

I would very much appreciate your feedback. My priority in patching
Lernid is to make it again fit for use for Ubuntu learning events so
the feedback of this group is very important to me. I'd like to have
the time to make additional advisable fixes before the events in July
so the ubuntu-classroom group, and everyone else, will feel
comfortable with it once more.



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