It's Been a While

Ross Peoples ubuntu.ross.peoples at
Tue Mar 25 02:46:01 GMT 2008

Hello Everyone,

I apologize that it has been a while since I have been in contact. I've 
been involved with a few all-nighter projects lately at work, but now 
everything is cooling down again. Trevor, I'm still willing to help you 
with the wiki and it turns out that I might have something else to offer 
this project. For a while now, I've been wanting to set up a website to 
help new users understand the community, give them the basics of Ubuntu 
(like version numbers, the differences in the two ubuntu wikis, 
upstream/downstream concepts, etc). And for experienced users, it would 
server as sort of a Yellow Pages for different projects, how to get 
involved in those projects, and provide a descriptive list of the 
different groups in the Ubuntu community (documentation, motu, us, 
etc.). Basically, it would be a collection of links, neatly categorized, 
that would direct you to everything you ever wanted to know about Ubuntu 
and its community all in one place. Sort of like a site map.

The idea started off as something a little different, but morphed into 
something that I think is more in-line with the goal of this project. 
Anyways, I have the domain and hosting for it and I 
was originally going to do the whole thing myself, but quickly realized 
that I was in over my head. So, I was wondering if you would be 
interested in using the webspace to set up your own custom applications, 
and of course, to provide useful information to the community.

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.

Thanks, Ross

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