
Ryan Kavanagh ryanakca at
Thu Mar 13 01:28:08 GMT 2008

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 02:02:05PM -0600, Christer Edwards wrote:
> On Sun Mar 09, 2008 at 07:03:51PM -0600, Trevor Sharpe wrote:
> Can anyone get a solid date on OpenWeek so we won't overlap anything
> there?  Or, should we talk to the OpenWeek organizers (Jono?) and see
> about *being* the organizers for this event.

As for organizing OpenWeek, I'm all for it, as long as we have a solid
team, which I think we do. If everybody's for it, we'll probably need to
have a meeting with Jono/his team and try to sort it out from there. If
we can't organize the /whole/ event, we might still be able to organize
part of the event.

> > 	In the future, are going to shoot for weekly theme that would be easier
> > to market, or filling with anyone willing to present to accommodate
> > smaller teams. I personally think we could do a little of both.
> Yeah, I have put some thought into the presentation lengths & topics.  I
> would like big presentations from big teams but if this team is about
> helping people contribute then we should let individuals teach sessions
> in there on a regular basis.  Anyone can teach anything, just plan it
> through us!

I think we could have a weekly theme, but it doesn't have to be taught
solely by a large team. What we did when we started out was we had a
"representative" from at least two of the interfaces, showing how to do
whatever task in their environment. So even if it was just one subject,
we could have "GNOME night" on Mondays, "KDE night" on Wednesdays, "XFCE
night" on Fridays, etc. If its an interface independant thing, well, I
guess we can ask several smaller teams to teach different facets of one

Where we have multiple courses by multiple teams under one theme, did we
want to have each course have the previous one as a "prerequisite"
(sp?), or have them independant of the other, or a mixture of both?

> > 	Perhaps we could together our ideas for a agenda for next meeting I am
> > more than happy to put it together this Wednesday. If anyone has
> > anything feel free to email it to me, because I won't be making a agenda
> > page until Wednesday. We kinda free flowed this last meeting but it
> > actually turned out okay.
> My suggested Agenda items for next Sunday:
>  * Migrate new-improved wiki to overwrite old?
>  * Should we create an announcement banner on the wiki?
>  * Creation of marketing blog widgets for upcoming events?
>  * Try to get some more solid assignments for others on the list
>   ** Lets get all of our people involved before we start looking
>  * Continue using gobby? irc? what to do about lurkers in classroom?
I'd also add:
  * Any python coders interested in helping me port Mootbot/Notekeeper
    to µbot?
> ...that's all I've got off the top of my head.

One thing I wanted to do, but didn't have a team/anybody else to
participate with, was the Training programme that Canonical put together
and announced on the Ubuntu Documentation ML in October iirc. I'm unsure
if they could use our help, but if down the road we're looking for
another venture to help out with, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to offer.


Ryan Kavanagh (ryanakca)
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