
Seth Dudenhofer seth at
Sat Mar 8 14:08:48 GMT 2008

I never recieved any further feedback. If needed I can post again to see
if anything needs to be added or subtracted.


On Fri, 2008-03-07 at 19:41 -0700, Christer Edwards wrote:
> My apologies for not getting the follow-up email out earlier, but at
> least its getting out at all.  If everyone could report quickly on any
> progress they've made since Sunday.
> I was able to contact US Teams about presenters.  I will be following up
> with them today as well.  I want to be able to start marketing ASAP, I
> just need tho go-ahead from them.
> Looks like admin rights have been delegated for different parts of the
> project so people should have things they can do, or are better able to
> do them now.  If anyone is still lacking any assignments that would like
> them please let me know.
> Also, did we decide that the letter to the UWN was ready for public
> consumption (or is it already out?).  Any other feedback on that?
> Christer

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