[Ubuntu-Classroom] Task List

Elizabeth Bevilacqua lyz at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 1 07:14:44 BST 2008

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Elizabeth Bevilacqua <lyz at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> ...Task list. Hopefully I'll get to that tonight. Thus far we've had
> rather nebulous "roles" that exist, but I think we're at a point where
> we can be more concrete with "we need $person to do $foo"

Perhaps needless to say, I never got this task list completed that
night. but I now have some ideas formulated and some "this is done,
stop thinking about it" thoughts:

Tasks/Roles (as defined during meeting + my thoughts):

    * Instruction: Develop courses from own resources
    * Instruction: Focus on LTS releases for course longevity
    * Instruction: Make use of Ubuntu-Training materials

    * Course Organization: Recruit Instructors
    * Course Organization: Recruit Teams for regular sessions
        * MOTU School is a great example: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School
        * I think collaborating to create a list of teams to contact
would be helpful
    * Course Organization: Schedule classes
    * Course Organization: Send reminders to Instructors
    * Course Organization/Marketing: Maintain wiki page

    * Marketing: Keep blogs, UWN & Fridge informed
    * Marketing: Change perception that programmers are all there is
to Open Source

So please drop a note to the list if you'd like to sign up for being
responsible for any of these things, I know some people have expressed
interest for certain things during the meeting.

Or sign up on the new wiki page I created for this purpose:


Done: I'm happy with the state of our wiki and courses infrastructure
for now, thanks to everyone who has pitched in to clean things up and
rotate things, but as defined above we still need some more people who
will be specifically assigned with these tasks.

Elizabeth Bevilacqua

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