[ubuntu-cl] Hug Day - 14 February 2008

Pedro Villavicencio Garrido pedro en ubuntu.com
Mar Feb 12 18:12:01 GMT 2008

Hello Ubuntu Lovers,

Thursday February 14 is an important day for all the lovers and it's a
perfect one for show how much you love Ubuntu. Do you want a way to
express it? Perfect!, Next Thursday Feb 14 will be celebrating another
Ubuntu Hug Day, the package selected for this occasion is Compiz: 


Our goal is to deal with all of the bugs on that list.

Who can join the Hug Day? Everyone. You don't need to be a developer.
You don't need to know to code. Everyone is welcome. If you don't know
how to help, then just come and we'll explain you everything.

In a Bug Day, you can 
 * work in a nice team,
 * make sure the bug reporters' concerns are heard,
 * gather all the information needed so developers can fix bugs,
 * close useless bugs,
 * find out where the bugs come from,

and eventually

 * work together with upstream to make changes happen,
 * get experience in hacking and fixing bugs.

Where to join the Hug Day? #ubuntu-bugs on freenode IRC. And you can go
there every other day too!

When to join the Hug Day? Next hug day is on February Thursday 14, 2008
In all timezones. 
But again, you can go there every day and help with triaging the bug
tracking systems.

While you are welcome to apply to join the Ubuntu Bug Control team at
anytime, Hug Day is a great day to join!


If you're interested in helping to make the next release of Ubuntu even
better - please stop by.  And feel free to ask bdmurray, ogasawara,
pedro, heno and the rest of the team for ways to help out.  We hope to
see you there and your name on the list of bug triagers!

Have a nice day,


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