Spreading Ubuntu and linux

Gustave NIAMKE gustave.niamke at gmail.com
Mar 7 Juil 10:10:25 UTC 2015

Bonjour Nox c'est une bonne nouvelle cette news
Qu'en penses tu
Le 6 juil. 2015 16:03, "Miles" <msdomdonner at ubuntu.com> a écrit :

> Good day,
> I have been given the project of finding and reviving all the loco teams
> in Africa. I am in Pretoria, South Africa.
> With help from the ZA team we have registered the irc > freenode >
> #ubuntu-africa channel and also a Canonical approved site
> http://ubuntu-africa.info
> This is me https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kilos   I have made some progress
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams
> and would be honored to have your LoCo join us. As you see on that link
> we will be having our first meeting
> on the 29th. Can you please spread the word and get other members in
> your team to link up with us before then either on irc or feel free to
> email me directly. You can join the members on
> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa and join the mailing list there as
> well
> Best regards
> Miles Sharpe (Kilos on irc)
> --
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