Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync katie at jackass.ubuntu.com
Wed Oct 26 06:05:45 CDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Wed,  26 Oct 2005 02:56:17 +0100
Source: sextractor
Binary: sextractor
Architecture: source
Version: 2.4.3-1
Distribution: dapper
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Justin Pryzby <justinpryzby at users.sf.net>
Changed-By: Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <katie at jackass.ubuntu.com>
 sextractor - source extractor for astronomical images
Closes: 141345 204464 260740
 sextractor (2.4.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release;
     - Now handles MEF FITS files; a previous package by Stephen Quinney
       included a Debian patch to support them.
   * New maintainer (first official upload of this package maintained by me);
     Closes: #260740: ITP;
     - Previously maintained by Stephen Quinney, and updated unofficially by
       Florian Ernst.  Thanks to Florian for sponsoring this upload.
     - Redo packaging from scratch, taking into account my own previous diffs,
       Florian's diff, and Stephen's diff.
   * ./debian/copyright: include the wcs library license as included; neither
     call it "package", nor "Lesser GPL", but do update the FSF address to
     avoid a lintian warning;
 sextractor (2.3.2-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Mention /usr/share/sextractor/ in manpage.
   * Include homepage in debian/control.
 sextractor (2.3.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Prune debian/rules, include more documentation.
 sextractor (2.3.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Include /usr/share/sextractor/ configuration files.  There are
     intentionally not marked as Debian conffiles; they're not global system
     parameters.  Everyone who uses sextractor has different parameter files,
     and likely even has multiple copies, one (or more!) per instrument setup.
   * Rename sex to sextractor binaries and manpages as per the previous Debian
     package.  This avoid a name conflict with sex - Simple text editor for X.
   * Include changelog of Florian's package below, and hacked some previous
     changelog entries.  It seems I might have some more work to do: namely,
     the autoconf and CONCENTRATION patches.
   * I'm now in contact with Florian.
 sextractor (2.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New maintainer.
 sextractor (2.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New maintainer (Closes: #204464).
   * New upstream release, now under GPLv2.
   * debian/rules: complete rewrite
   * Split into sextractor and architecture-independent sextractor-doc
   * Removed patch from http://dls.bell-labs.com/Software/software.html as
     upstream has included this functionality.
   * Standards-Version 3.6.1
 sextractor (2.2.2-10) unstable; urgency=low
   * Orphaned package, maintainer is now Debian QA Group.
 sextractor (2.2.2-9) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added a patch from Benne W. Holwerda of Space Telescope Science
     Institute, to allow the calculation of Abraham's concentration
     parameter, (CONCENTRATION in the param file).
 sextractor (2.2.2-8) unstable; urgency=low
   * Patch from http://dls.bell-labs.com/Software/software.html applied to
     allow SExtractor to work on multi-extension FITS files (MEFs) as well
     as single chip images. As far as I can tell this patch does not allow
     images in the primary header, only in extensions but this is the more
     or less the standard anyway and some MEF support is better than none.
 sextractor (2.2.2-7) unstable; urgency=low
   *  (closes: #141345) ITP
   *  Added docbook-to-man to the list of build depends
 sextractor (2.2.2-6) unstable; urgency=low
   * Improved the autoconf script and added a test so that it can work
     out whether a machine is 32 or 64 bit.
 sextractor (2.2.2-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added autoconf test for size of integer, and changed BSWAP to be
     defined for little-endian rather than big-endian. Added debug
 sextractor (2.2.2-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added an autoconf based test for the endianness of a system. This
     hopefully fixes problems of only being known to compile properly
     on i386. It sets the BSWAP define in the code to true if a system
     is big-endian.
 sextractor (2.2.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Changed the default.sex file to reflect the fact that the
     convolution, neural-network weight, and param files are based in
   * Removed the conffiles file listing all the files that were in
     /etc/sextractor as debhelper already marks them as conffiles and
     they were being marked twice.
   * Removed the README from /etc/sextractor as it is not a conffile
     and moved the details into the manpage. Also changed the
     debian/rules file so that the README in the config directory does
     not get installed into /etc/sextractor.
 sextractor (2.2.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added BKGSIG parameter to the list of parameters that can be
     outputted. This list is in source/param.h. This parameter is the local
     value of the standard deviation of the image background. You need to
     set BACKPHOTO_TYPE to LOCAL to get a sensible value from this
     parameter, if it is set to GLOBAL then BKGSIG will always be the same
     value. This parameter is especially useful for people who use the IRAF
     GIM2D package as that requires the BKGSIG as an input parameter.
 sextractor (2.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial Release.
   * Name change of executable from sex to sextractor.
 2009bb2c7b728a02b4b230c0b7acbdba 643 science extra sextractor_2.4.3-1.dsc
 b1e7a5a44ef4cf1be6c5b39316022bd8 6075 science extra sextractor_2.4.3-1.diff.gz
 a8d9cafc15c1e1a1a357797e2bd07b65 1317578 science extra sextractor_2.4.3.orig.tar.gz
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


  to pool/universe/s/sextractor/sextractor_2.4.3-1.diff.gz
  to pool/universe/s/sextractor/sextractor_2.4.3-1.dsc
  to pool/universe/s/sextractor/sextractor_2.4.3.orig.tar.gz

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