<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Matthias Stürmer <<a href="mailto:mailinglists@stuermer.ch">mailinglists@stuermer.ch</a>> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
Am Samstag, den 15.03.2008, 10:45 +0100 schrieb Ramon Cahenzli:<br>
<div class="Ih2E3d">> So far the idea is to do it at the ZHdK.<br>
> The ZHdK can offer two locations, depending on what makes more sense.<br>
> One<br>
> of them is quite cozy at the Sihlquai 131 (same location as the<br>
> biweekly<br>
> "Ubuntu-Stammtisch"), the other is a meeting room and terrace on the<br>
> roof<br>
> of the ZHdK main building in the Ausstellungsstrasse.<br>
> Both places have 100 MBit/s Internet connection and we can mess around<br>
> with networking equipment as much as we like (set up local mirror<br>
> servers<br>
> etc.). We have routable, public IP addresses available for streaming,<br>
> VoIP<br>
> and other geekiness.<br>
</div>This sounds great, let's leave it like that!<br>
> Of course having it at the EB Zürich is somewhat attractive, but on<br>
> the<br>
> other hand: Perhaps the event guests at the EB Zürich want to go out<br>
<div class="Ih2E3d">> to<br>
> town to have some dinner around that time, then they could simply come<br>
> over to the ZHdK when they're finished to still do some release<br>
> partying.<br>
> And if the party is at the ZHdK, we won't disturb anyone at EB with<br>
> loud<br>
> talking/smell of beer/roasted pigs.<br>
</div>Absolutely! As soon the RP program is published, I'll include the<br>
announcement in the OSS an Schulen newsletter. Or is there already an<br>
official website posting I can refer to?</blockquote><div><br>Adding the program to the newsletters would be great thx. For the website we're working on it. It should be published before the next RP.<br><br>Regards Patrick<br>