[Ubuntu-ch] 18.04 release party planning

Christopher Glass tribaal at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 15:25:41 UTC 2018

Ah, too bad!

I guess we should add "how to reach more people with our
announcements" for the next discussion :)

If anyone is up for a beer (ubuntu themed or not) instead, ping me on
here or on twitter and we'll figure something out.

- Chris

tribaal at gmail.com / @3baal on ze twitterz

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 12:53 PM, Philipp Gassmann <phiphi at phiphi.ch> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The meeting today is Cancelled. Only 3 people would have attended. We still
> have enough time till April so i decided that it is better to find a time
> wher more people can attend.
> Let's find a new date for the Meeting. Please fill out the Doodle:
> https://doodle.com/poll/9mft8xbusdb8rkni
> See you soon!
> Philipp Gassmann
> 2018-01-24 19:15 GMT+01:00 Philipp Gassmann <phiphi at phiphi.ch>:
>> Hi all,
>> Until now not many have accepted the proposal. I have also talked to a few
>> people off this list who would like to participate.
>> We will meet anyways and collect the Ideas and discuss the rest on this
>> list. We can also set up Google Hangout so you could participate from
>> remote. Link below.
>> January 26, 18:00 - Meeting for Release Party Planning
>> at our office
>> Puzzle ITC (3rd floor)
>> Belpstrasse 37
>> 3007 Bern
>> If the main door is closed call me on my mobile (Number slightly
>> obfuscated)
>> +41 77
>> 47one 80 +95
>> Google Hangout Link
>> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/cGhpcGhpLmdhc3NtYW5uQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ.7as0akpqvgihe56v899ug5q2bj?authuser=0
>> Regards,
>> Philipp Gassmann
>> 2018-01-19 18:14 GMT+01:00 Philipp Gassmann <phiphi at phiphi.ch>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We talked about meeting on January 26 for planning the release party.
>>> I proposed that we could meet at the Puzzle ITC Office in Bern, someone
>>> else suggested Zurich. We didn't yet talk about the time.
>>> Should we meet in Bern for Lunch or in the evening, after work, so that
>>> everyone can attend?
>>> I propose January 26, 18:00 - Meeting for Planning
>>> at our office
>>> Puzzle ITC
>>> Belpstrasse 37
>>> 3007 Bern
>>> Related, we did not talk about the date for the release Party. Ubuntu
>>> 18.04 Bionic Beaver is released on April 26, which is a Thursday.
>>> I propose to make the party in the evening of this day.
>>> April 26, 17:30 - Ubuntu 18.04 Release Party
>>> Regards,
>>> Philipp Gassmann
>>> 2017-12-17 16:01 GMT+01:00 WaVeR <debian at hispeed.ch>:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I guess there's no qualification criteria to attend a meeting. Anyone
>>>> can be useful and help to organize the RP.
>>>> You can have as much as you want for local contact, they should just
>>>> stay synced ;)
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> ---
>>>> Hassan
>>>> Le jeudi 14 décembre 2017 à 09:37 +0100, Daniel Stoni a écrit :
>>>> > Folks, there was a question on the list about qualification criteria.
>>>> > Would please someone comment on this? Is more than one local contact
>>>> > required?
>>>> > Cheers. Dani
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