[Ubuntu-ch] SubLoCos!

Christopher Glass tribaal at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 06:59:30 UTC 2014

Hi all,

The LoCo council announced the support for SubLoCos [1].

It seems this would mean we could finally find a suitable structure
for the ubuntu-ch LoCo, with one sub LoCo for the Swiss-German part,
and one for the French part (and of course one for out
Italian-speaking friends should anybody express the interest for such
a thing).

This way we could also have regional languages as official languages
for each sub LoCo (a problem we've been struggling with since the
team's beginning), and keep English for the country-wide LoCo? it
might make things a little more active, too, hopefully.

As you can see from the link the only requirement is to have one
representative from each sub loco be part of a LoCo council that takes
decisions for the whole LoCo. That would mean two delegates in our
case, which I think is easy to do.


- Chris

[1]: http://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/2014/09/16/new-subloco-policy/

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