[Ubuntu-ch] New LoCo Blog

Lucas Betschart lucasbetschart at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 15:32:56 UTC 2012

Hi everybody,

As announced I've set up a LoCo news page:

The goals of this website are:

- Show Swiss people that there’s a active community in our country and
try to get them involved
- Show the activities of regional groups to the other groups (let the
French speaking community know what the German speaking community is
doing and vice versa)
- Share marketing and community event  ideas with other LoCos
- Promote our events
- Show our activities to the rest of the (Ubuntu-) world

I also don't know yet how much Ubuntuish stuff is going on in the
French / Italian speaking regions.
If there is some event or some other Open Source / Ubuntu related news
in your region please inform me or even better write a news post (I
will make an account for everybody who wants to write). Or if you want
to hold an Ubuntu event and need some promotion, I'd would be happy to
I will try to get this blog into planet.ubuntu.com to reach the last goal.

>From legal view there is no reason to worry, the website is hosted on
webspace which belongs to the Ubunteros club. So even if I step down
as a LoCo Contact Person, the website still belongs to the community
(or the part of the community which are club members).

I hope this will help to bring the community more alive everywhere in

Best regards


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