[Ubuntu-ch] 12.04 media
itopie informatique
itopie at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 07:16:44 UTC 2012
Hello :)
We are in Geneva and we sell 2nd hand professional computer in Ubuntu
until 3 years.
It starts run and go well....2 PC per week :D well 6-7 new users / month
Well....some CD are welcome...more beatiful when they are original ones.
For more informations
...we are a cooperative of techniciens with good skills in social economy
***Maurizio Notarangelo, coordinateur
Rue Lissignol 7, 1201 Genève
022 557 63 70
_www.itopie.ch_ <http://www.itopie.ch/>
Le 21. 05. 12 12:05, Marcus Moeller a écrit :
> Hi all,
> just for your info: the 12.04 media arrived (desktop and server, no
> more Kubuntu as it's no longer officially supported).
> So if you are planning an event, and want to hand out some CDs, just
> leave me a note.
> Greets
> Marcus
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