[Ubuntu-ch] [Bounty offer] We would like to buy working Ubuntu-based virtual machines

Martin Gafner gafner at puzzle.ch
Wed Oct 13 13:40:11 BST 2010

Hi Tribaal,

we'd like to help you in that! Whom we can contact directly to discuss
the details?

best regards,

Martin Gafner
Bereichsleiter Systems Engineering /sys

Puzzle ITC GmbH

Mobile  +41 79 714 09 65
Telefon +41 31 370 22 00
Direkt  +41 31 370 22 28
Fax     +41 31 370 22 01

Werfen Sie einen Blick in unseren Blog:

On 10/13/2010 12:06 PM, Tribaal wrote:
> Hi list,
> My new position at a (very strongly open-source) web agency leaves me
> little to no time to work on non-business projects, and we really need
> a more modern infrastructure.
> As such, we would have some budget to purchase the following:
> - An Ubuntu Subversion server *with openldap integration for
> usernames/passwords* (the OpenLDAP server already exists) (over https
> or ssh)
> - An Ubuntu Samba machine with a share configured to use our openldap server.
> Ideally, we would purchase both from the same person/business, and
> would eventually contact the person/business further should we need
> this type of work done in the future.
> We are ready to pay a reasonable price for this (basically this saves
> us time, and time is money). We are based in the Zurich area but don't
> really care where the machines are coming from as long as they work
> and that they are maintainable (this request does *not* include
> maintenance from you)
> I can give whoever would be interested more information on request
> (LDAP schema structure, more precise requirements)
> As far as what your CV should look like: we don't care, as long as it
> works :) I will personally review and audit the machines, and as long
> as it works, it's good to go.
> Sorry if I shouldn't have posted this in here,
> Best regards,
> - Trib' (on behalf of the divio.ch team)

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