[Ubuntu-ch] OpenExpo 2010 Final Things

Erwin Herrsche gascha at gmx.ch
Mon Mar 22 18:39:26 GMT 2010

Hi all

OpenExpo is in 2 days. Some final things:

* Those who want to attend and help out at the booth: Get yourself a ticket at 
http://www.openexpo.ch/openexpo-2010-bern/gratis-ticket-bestellen/ and meet me 
at the booth.

* Those who just want to drop in: Get yourselft a ticket at 
http://www.openexpo.ch/openexpo-2010-bern/gratis-ticket-bestellen/ and meet me 
at the booth ;-)

So I hope that's all. For any questions just ask.

mfg Erwin

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