[Ubuntu-ch] OpenExpo Booth

Daniel Stoni dsto at stoni.ch
Fri Feb 12 14:39:42 GMT 2010

Hello Philippe

it is our pleasure to welcome you at the ubuntu booth. Too bad there is
no installation zone. Please note:

Concept has changed. Appearently, there is no table but a Bar and ONE
chair for either guests or yourself. Guest is supposed to be a business
customer. This leads us towards a new way of operation:
# if there is a person interested in Ubuntu, one should sit together
with the person somewhere else or in the restaurant to show Ubuntu or
some presentation material.
# The person at the booth should have mobile numbers and availability
information of people offering help, advice & information about Ubuntu
# As people show up at the booth being interested in a some talks, they
should be picked up by a 'helper'
# more directions to follow, maybe we should determine an additional
meeting spot for the ubuntu community
# I suggest to have Erwin taking the lead. If he feels comfortable ...

Kind regards, Dani

Seewer Philippe schrieb:
> Hello all
> A Question: Has there been any decisions about an ubuntu booth at the 
> OpenExpo?
> If so, I will be able to help at the booth. We've had to cancel the 
> planned InstallZone due to space restrictions (there's a second 
> unrelated expo at the same time) so I'm available.
> Regards,
> Philippe

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