[Ubuntu-ch] Karmic Koala release party - planning

Jaap Hoetmer jaap at hoetmer.ch
Mon Oct 19 22:08:11 BST 2009

It's a pity the party is in the German-speaking part. My German is not 
up to scratch, and although it would be ideal to find ways to improve 
this, it may just be too much to do that in combination with the release 
party ;-)

Anyone in the Swiss-Romande area knows of any plans for a French party?

Cheers, Jaap

Erwin Herrsche schreef:
> Tormod Volden schrieb:
>> By the way, was it already decided to have the party in Bern? I am not
>> against it, but I see Zurich is listed as an alternative on the wiki
>> page. And I can not find any mails regarding the party since August
>> 10th...
> I'm for a second somewhat smaller party in Zurich a week before or after the 
> one in Berne.
> Or we could do it the classic way in Zurich an just go out for a beer on the 
> release date. Would be nice to see some Ubuntu folk in Zurich again.
> mfg Erwin
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