[Ubuntu-ch] Original Ubuntu CD

François Bianco fbianco at swisslinux.org
Tue Jun 9 22:10:34 BST 2009


last weekend Swisslinux.org and Le GULL were at the sustainable development 
festival, we gave a lots of {Ku,U}buntu CD's, about 500 !!! I hope we 
convinced all this people to change for free softwares. The "problem" is that 
since we got our shipment from Canonical twice, we still have around 200 
Ubuntu, and 150 Kubuntu, and 50 Server Edition. If you are interested to get 
this CD's, let me know. Else we will organise a small flash mob somewhere to 
give the rest of the CD's...

François Bianco
Swisslinux.org − Le carrefour GNU/Linux en Suisse −
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