[Ubuntu-ch] Intrepid RP in Western Switzerland - urgent

Myriam Schweingruber schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch
Mon Sep 22 22:19:42 BST 2008

Hi all,

if we want to be able to organise this party, we definitely need a
location. I will look for a place in Fribourg, please, all others who
live in the Romandie, check in either Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel or
else for a venue.

Necessary features of the venue:

- Internet access
- 2 rooms minimum, one where catering is possible
- some tables and of course chairs for the talks
- beamer
- did I forget something?

I also suggest we get in touch with the official business partners for
Ubuntu you can find here:
asking for sponsoring and, why not, a possible venue? The following
are located in Western Switzerland:

http://www.alsenet.com Vernier, GE (didn't manage to find an email
address on their website, very strange)
http://www.cril.ch/, this is a friend of mine I will get in touch with
in the Neuchâtel region

there are two others listed which seem not to exist anymore so no use
to try these: offix in Basel and phil'services in Payerne.

If you have other sponsoring ideas, please step forward!

Next meeting on IRC will be on Wednesday, September 30 th and we
should have something till that date I suggest, else it might get
really difficult to organise in time.

Hope to get this on the road, folks!


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