[Ubuntu-ch] Second IRC meeting report, was: Planning the Intrepid release

Myriam Schweingruber schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch
Fri Oct 3 08:42:43 BST 2008

Hi all,

for those who couldn't attend last Wednesdays meeting, we agreed on
the following:

- as nobody answered the call, the organisation of a Release Party in
the Suisse Romande is dropped. We will focus on Zürich for Intrepid.
- we will have the foyer and the talk room at the ZHK, same as for
last time (thanks Ramon!)
- I ordered the CDs for the party, should be delivered in time I hope,
else we will have to burn CDs...
- the following talks are proposed (see also schedule on the wiki [1]
--  "What is Ubuntu? Welcome and short introduction" by Ramon
-- "I didn't write that! GnuPG encryption and signing" by an invited
speaker, Moira will talk to Axel Beckert for that
-- "Gimp for non-gimps - Image/photo editing with the Gimp" by Florian
-- "Rosetta - How to make Ubuntu available in your language" by myself
-- "Protect your data from thieves! How to set up total system
encryption" by Erwin
-- "Bugs and eyeballs - Bug handling and how to use Launchpad" by Tormod
- advertising:
-- Florian will work on a flyer with the banner provided by Aldo Latino [2]
-- David will do the flyer printing
-- Erwin and David will spread the word at the ETH

As we were all pretty tired, we postponed the following for next meeting:
- text for program, poster and flyers (volunteers please!)
- agree on flyers and posters (gorgeous Ibex pictures needed!)
- organise advertising. There are some addresses available from last
time we can use [3], more needed (press especially)
- check to have burning machines in case the CDs come too late
(delivery is due 2 weeks after release, and that is a very tough
- ask ch-open for Swiss DVDs (the old ones), as these are LTS and can
still be very useful!

We will meet next Tuesday, October 7, at 20:00 Swiss Time on
#ubuntu-ch on freenode

Keep in mind that the schedule is tight as we have only 5 weeks left
to make this a great event, so the more can give a hand, the less work
it is for the individuals. Volunteers needed! (I always wonder where
these 65 Ubunteros are who put themselves on the wiki...)

Hope to see you all next Tuesday!



[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/ReleasePartyIntrepid/Zurich
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/Artwork
[3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/ReleasePartyHardy

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