[Ubuntu-ch] Zürich RP | Care sharing

Patrick Murena patrick.murena at gmail.com
Tue May 20 10:19:55 BST 2008

hi Simon

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 11:05 AM, Simon Schneebeli <
simon.schneebeli at okko.org> wrote:

> I didn't know "care sharing" (= gemeinsam Sorge tragen?) until now. But
> this is definitively a nice concept (as is "car sharing" = Auto-Teilet).

Funny typo in fact :)

/me promise to read his mail before sending them from now on ;)

I'm not sure it will help though ;)

> Simon
> Patrick Murena a écrit :
>  Hi folks,
>> ZHRP is approaching and it's time to plan the trip (suitcase, boarding
>> card, passport, ...). We were discussing this on irc with WaVer yesterday
>> and thought we should leave as many cars as possible at home.
>> Now the quesitons are: who comes, who would need a car, who will take his
>> anyway, ... ? So we could coordinate and get there with as less cars as
>> possible. Mother nature will be happy with that and it's a lot more fun
>> anyway.
>> BTW Stgraber and myself have to leave at 9am from Bevais, but some place
>> should still be available in my car.
>> Patrick
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