[Ubuntu-ch] PDF-Programm PR|Lausanne

Patrick Murena patrick.murena at gmail.com
Sun May 4 13:39:15 BST 2008

Hi moira,

On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 9:55 PM, moira brülisauer <moosline at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Folks
> This Afternoon I worked on a PDF of the program of the RP at Lausanne. It
> ist finished now

Thanks a lot for your work.

> You can download it from
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/ReleasePartyHardy/Lausanne
> I Like Feedback

I had a look at your pdf and noticed some mistakes which where also present
on the wiki. Nothing serious, I corrected them on the wiki and it would be
great if you could regenerate the pdf with the correct text.

Furthermore I have some suggestion concerning your pdf more generally:
 1) I would start with the timetable only on the second page. This would
mean that the "L'horaire des présentations" would be at start of pag2.

2) I would leave the "Ubuntu hardy heron" logo on page1. He acts as
signature there.

3) I would remove the logos you put on the right of the text and only keep
those of the "sponsor and partner" part at the end of the document.

The text is important, if you can use the one from the wiki as it is it
would be great. The rest are only suggestion driven by my tastes ;)

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