[Ubuntu-ch] Fwd: Release party final schedule candidate available

kiplantt kiplantt at gmail.com
Fri May 2 10:03:49 BST 2008

Tribaal, to what I understood, you'll be in Lausanne, right ? You
aren't on the wiki page.

If that's the case, we could coordinate together as well as with Ramon
(like he said in another thread). For this purpose I'll try to be on
IRC although it's not my habit.

15 minutes may seem long for showing compiz but it's short for showing
some games. Merging the two may be an answer to this problem.

My laptop can run compiz and wine games like CS:S. We'll see which
hardware to use. It isn't a big deal. Maybe we'll even have a good
desktop in Lausanne to run the latest Nexuiz. Having only one good
presentation system could save time and problems connecting and
disconnecting to the beamer.

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