[Ubuntu-ch] Call for help | Lausanne RP | VERY IMPORTANT

Patrick Murena patrick.murena at gmail.com
Thu May 1 08:01:24 BST 2008

Hi Myriam,

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 12:56 AM, Myriam Schweingruber
<schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch> wrote:

> hi all,
> On 30/04/2008, Patrick Murena <patrick.murena at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Ok I don't really see a big differences a part that you removed Amarok
> > (which is the only surely hold talk).
> Hm, will have to ask Mark how long his talk will be, but I suppose
> it's about 30 minutes in all, questions comprised.

Thanks that's perfect.

> > Anyhow I don't really care about the minutes by now:
> >
> I can make my usual speech about "How to contribute to K,X,Ubuntu",
> it's quite short and will not take more than 15 minutes. I'm also
> quite good in improvising talks if needed, as I still have all my
> former talks on my laptop which I can use as a base to a new talk.

Would be great thanks again.

> > It makes no sense to me to know if we talk first about flours or cheese
> > before we know that we're actually able to talk about one or the other.
> My
> > proposal was mainly about subjects which need people to talk about.
> Don't panic, it's a Release Party, so folks will mainly come to have a
> look at the Ubuntu folks and "Who is Who", some will bring their
> machines to install Hardy on it and the rest of the time is
> socialising and meeting each other :)

I know but the fact is that: 100 and plus subscriptions on the list, several
mails about the RP, 2 volunteers. That's not panic but pain :(

> > P.S. Sorry Simon I know you want to help but the general idle concerning
> RP
> > mails is getting me nervous.
> Anyway, I'm not sure we need a tight schedule, as these tend to go
> somehow out of hand. Let's try to make comfortable those who will
> attend and build something around it.

Well we almost have it now, Simon and myself will do the first part (Intro
and using Ubuntu every day), Mark talks on Amarok. By the way I really don't
know how to thank him for that, maybe a beer or two will do the job ;). You
do the "how to contribute" part, then we have the sponsor talk and I'll
found someone (Tribaal syn ;)) to talk about games and graphic effects on

Thanks for helping out Myriam, Mark and Simon.

Cheers Patrick

P.S. /me has the feeling to repeat himself, nevertheless, if there are any
volunteer willing to contribute for this event please let us know. Thanks in
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