[Ubuntu-ch] www.ubuntu.ch | finally a mail about it.
Patrick Murena
patrick.murena at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 15:29:12 GMT 2008
Hi all,
First off all I would like to apologies, I've promised to do this since a
while now but I had some fundamental changes in my life which are the cause
off the delay.
Anyhow I had a look at the brainstorming on the wiki and there are, IMHO,
two main ideas coming out there. The first would be to force people to come
on the wiki and the second is to setup a more complete portal. Personally I
prefer the second one, my point here is that we should only use the wiki for
collaboration work and publish the definitive information on the portal.
This would allow to separate brainstorming, inside infos, drafts, etc... and
the "public" informations. Furthermore, the first idea is already running, a
redirect does perfectly the job here.
So far so good, if I resume the wiki's content we should get a portal more
or less looking like that.
* The portal should run on a cms to make updates easier
* we should elect between 3 and 5 peoples allowed to publish in order to
keep things under control.
* the portal should contain:
- User map: anonymous user, approved users (those who's contact infos can
be certified by us), team members and commercial contacts shown on a map.
- community: what's the ubuntu project, who is canonical, how is the
community organized where can I found it (links) and what can I use it for.
- events infos: up coming and past events reports, pictures, ....
- friends: swiss open source projects and partners.
- some important K/X/Ed/ubuntu news for example next release count down.
- shop: swissteam mugs, swissteam beer (the freebeer team is open to help
us out for that | http://www.project21.ch/freebeer/), stickers, etc..
This is only a first draft made of what I read on the wiki feel free to
comment it.
For the graphical part I think we should keep-it as near as possible to the
Ubuntu design, some artwork which reminds Switzerland could be added though.
Thanks to all those who helped out on /ideas.
Regards Patrick
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