[Ubuntu-ch] ZH RP (p)reviews at the Ubuntu Meeting

DigiSus info at digisus.info
Mon Jul 14 23:05:32 BST 2008


ubuntu & FOSS needs exposure to the mainstream. And mainstream needs 
loads of exposure to digital freedom; they may not know though...

Although I have not been at one yet, I support having the RPs as open 
and newbie-targeted as possible -- TheAlternative runs the same 
approach. (Longterm fans && !beginners meet once a month anyway if they 


Tormod Volden wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 9:19 AM, Ramon Cahenzli <rca at fsfe.org> wrote:
>> We basically see two options:
>> 8.04 in ZH was an info day, but Zürich mainstream media ignores Linux
>> and Ubuntu, so we didn't get the mainstream audience we hoped for. This
>> is different in Lausanne. So it would be possible for the ZH RP to
>> simply be a party/get-together "for us". If we do make the ZH RP into an
>> info event, it needs to be done differently than 8.04: Less talks, and
>> more interesting for Ubuntu veterans AS WELL as the newbies we won't get
> Hi,
> The more I think about the "target audience" question, I am going in
> this direction:
> What's special about Ubuntu is the community, how open, friendly,
> welcoming and inclusive it is. We should reflect this in our "Release
> Party" and make something where also newcomers and curious, interested
> people will find their place.
> As an unofficial Ubuntu contributor, I don't see a great need to
> celebrate that we have made yet another release as such. There's a new
> release every 6 months. Who want to celebrate his birthday twice a
> year? There are enough introvert FOSS cabals that worship their own
> 733t existence.
> This is much more an opportunity to advertise Ubuntu for the people
> again, spread the Ubuntu gospel you might say. We can try to make some
> buzz around, newspapers etc, even if it didn't succeed too well in
> Zurich last time. We don't give up [1].
> The suggestions for short introductions (see wiki) look good, and we
> can structure the programme with more "advanced" topics later on in
> the party. Some newcomers may fall off at that time (unless they're
> already hooked by the Ubuntu social atmosphere) and some of the more
> experienced may skip the "newbie" talks and arrive later [2]. Overall
> we'll be more people than if we focused on just one aspect. And there
> will be great geekiness and guru jokes enough anyway.
> Ubuntu suits all sizes, let's make the RP in the same spirit. Let's
> share Ubuntu with as many as possible.
> Tormod
> [1] Who said Total World Domination would be easy?
> [2] idea: schedule advanced workshops at the same time as the newbie talks

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