[Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu lessons
Patrick Murena
patrick.murena at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 15:42:59 BST 2008
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Dirk Deimeke <dirk at deimeke.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> > Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see such projects started but I think
> it
> > should be natural for every body how starts a Ubuntu project in
> > Switzerland
> > to contact Swiss team.
> maybe a little bit of self marketing could help.
> Just to give you a statement as someone who comes from the outside. The
> Swiss team is a little bit unimpressive. All the work seem to be done in
> the background, far away from publicity.
> If people know there is an active community they will come.
> I know there is a meeting in Zurich on a regular basis.
> Where in Switzerland can I find this information (got it from
> ubuntuusers.de).
That's sad indeed. We're currently setting up a ubuntu.ch portal to try to
avoid this kind of things.
> Is there a map of Ubuntu People in Switzerland anywhere?
The map is planed on the portal, but yes, it doesn't exist at the moment.
> More improvements are possible.
Fully agreed
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