[Ubuntu-ch] Gutsy Gibbon Release party | news and next step

Patrick Murena patrick.murena at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 16:09:32 BST 2008


On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 3:30 PM, jaap <jaap at hoetmer.ch> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> Minor detail, but this must be the Hardy Heron Release Party, not Gutsy
> Gibbon? Or am I mistaken?

It's the Hardy Heron RP in fact I don't know what went in my mind here

> ------------------------------
> *Jaap Hoetmer*
> Route de Gy 26A
> CH-1252 Meinier-Genève
> Tel: +41 (0)22 7721070
> Mob: +41 (0)79 3070709
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Patrick Murena" <patrick.murena at gmail.com>
> To: ubuntu-ch <Ubuntu-ch at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 13:40:32 +0200
> Subject: [Ubuntu-ch] Gutsy Gibbon Release party | news and next step
> Hi folks,
> *
> *here are some news and next step suggestions for the RP.
> *
> Room for the Lausanne RP*
> I've asked CampToCamp if they may help us for a room where the RP could
> take place. Know they given me some good news. They:
> - pre-reserved a room for the 17 for 30 - 40 peoples.
> - they do the network install for us (wifi and cable)
> - they're sysadmins will be at the party for any help (the company runs
> Ubuntu desktops and Debian servers).
> - they offer to do a talk about puppet.
> sounds great doesn't it ????
> I know need to know if a other room was reserved or if I confirm this
> one???
> * Ubuntu freebeer*
> I'll meet Pascal in the next days (we're looking for a date at the moment)
> to talk about the Ubuntu freebeer which should be available for the RPs. Let
> me know if you have any suggestion or question I should talk about at the
> meeting.
> I'll give feedback after the meeting.
> *RP in the press.*
> I think we should brainstorm a press release to announce the parties. It
> should be send out as soon as possible if we're willing to have a large
> media cover.
> That's it for the moment, as usual I would be delighted to receive
> suggestions and comments.
> Cheers all
> Patrick.
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