[Ubuntu-ch] Geneva Schools go Linux

Simon Schneebeli simon.schneebeli at okko.org
Wed Apr 2 18:05:05 BST 2008

I just read some good news today in the newspaper. Thought that you 
might be interested in this too. The article is available here:


For those who don't understand French, it says that beginning in fall 
2008 the roughly 9000 computers of the schools in canton Geneva will 
steadily migrated to Ubuntu. The reasons for this is not only that it's 
the official policy of the canton to promote use of open source 
software, but also that it's more efficient, cheaper and better for the 
kids. It is planned to produce a DVD with all the software that will be 
used in school so that the children can take it home and install it on  
their own computers.

There is however a slight error in the article showing that it's author 
has no experience in this field. I let you search yourself (just as an 
additional incentive to read it ;-)



Simon Schneebeli
078 619 31 18

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