[Ubuntu-ch] Urgent: OpenExpo! and TeamReports (much less urgent)

Myriam Rita Schweingruber schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch
Mon Sep 17 11:33:59 BST 2007

Hi Lily,

Am Sonntag, 16 September 2007 18.59:10 schrieb lily of the valley:

> What has to be done/what is the task on the stand for OpenExpo?

Well, explaining what Ubuntu is, giving away Ubuntu or Kubuntu CDs, etc.

> - I could be there on Wednesday and Thursday if this helps (but I'm not so
> much of an Ubuntu person (using Windoof and Debian...).

I dont see a problem, as Ubuntu is a Debian derivate, so you should be on 
familiar grounds :)

It would be absolutely great if you could give a hand! Thanks a lot for your 
offer. You should coordinate the next steps with Carlos and Tormod who will 
be there on Wednesday.


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